With so many hosting companies available, it’s easy to assume that all web hosting companies are equal. But they’re not. If you want a site with very little down time, then doing a little bit of research about which web hosting specifications you’ll need for your website is absolutely essential.
Three Web Hosting Specifications To Look For …
1. always check out the reliability of the web hosting company because it won’t do you any good to have a website if it frequently goes down. An easy way to research a company is to go to Google and type in the Company Name + Complaints. If you see multiple complaints about the company’s reliability, then look for another company.
If the reliability of the web hosting company passes the test, then check out additional features. There are three major things you should look for. The first one is the Cpanel you’ll be working with.
2. You want an easy to use control panel since you’ll most likely be using your web hosting company for years. The second thing you’re looking for is a mail host. Some companies will allow you to have as many email accounts as you want, but they limit your storage to one gigabyte. Others will allow you to have a certain number of email accounts, but they won’t limit storage. Be sure to read about any restrictions on the email accounts.
3. The third thing you’re looking for is Softaculous. It is a commercial script library that automates the installation of commercial and open source web applications such as WordPress to a website. Softaculous scripts are executed from the administration area of a website control panel.
Customer Service And Support Is Vital For A Good Web Hosting Company!
Once you’re satisfied that your web hosting company has these features: good up time, an easy-to-use control panel and a commercial script library such as Softaculous or Fantastico, then it’s time to look at their support/customer service track record. A few minutes spent searching the web will show you if they routinely ignore support tickets or if their staff is unprofessional or rude. As well, how long do you have to wait for customer service to respond to you and can you phone them if you need to?
Why developers, Digital Marketers, and Designers Like Instyme Web Hosting.
Many people struggle with some aspects of their website. They feel they can do ‘most’ things, but worry that they are missing crucial pieces that can have a huge impact on the overall success of their website.
Unfortunately, these days, many in the web hosting industry are going backwards when it comes to listening to their customers and providing the basic support they need. Not only that, there is a movement to buy up most major web hosting companies and pare down the technology in the back end so they can drive down prices. In the end, they offer bare bones technology, causing a very poor user experience for your website visitors, and Google (and other search engines) often places these sites very low on their priority list.
At Insty, they listened to their customers and created a powerful, helpful web hosting suite that includes the tools successful businesses use in their online presence. While that is great in itself, it’s really the Insty support that their customers have grown to love.
They realize that you can get web hosting anywhere, but having someone right by your side, ready to help at a moments notice is a rare service these days. Insty.me makes it their goal to not only give you the best web hosting and marketing tools, but to be right by your side and help you create a web presence you can be proud of.
You’ll want to choose website hosting based on where you’re going in the future with your business, not where you are now. You may only have one site to start with, but when you grow more, you’ll want the right website hosting company and plan already in place.
NOTE: I have called on the support team at Insty for help, often with problems that have little to do with web hosting. They always and promptly help in any way they can, even when the problem sometimes lies outside the realm of hosting. That is world class customer service, and the most important thing you want from your web host!
The video below explains very clearly why so many very successful internet marketers and business people share in my enthusiasm for Instyme web hosting, the added web marketing tools and the phenomenal customer support they offer.
If you prefer to read, at your own pace, I’ve included a transcript of the entire video, kindly provided by Google and Youtube, so that you can skim through the main points of the video’s content.
Video Transcript For Insty Hosting: Hello, my name is Nick Jolin, founder of Instyme and I want to say a personal thank you and welcome to this video today.
Now, I’m really excited to be able to tell you about the new service, because this service is going to revolutionize how we do marketing online today. If you take a look at some of the most popular and the most successful online marketers, they all use a certain formula or a certain tool set to be successful.
Now this tool set is some of the most basic tools that you need to be successful with your websites, but most people either don’t know how to find, might not have the money for or just don’t know how to use them to their benefit.
That’s why I’m really excited to be able to tell you about Instyme today, because this is the first service that rolls them all into one special package, giving you everything you need to become successful now, whether you’re an online entrepreneur, small or medium-sized business owner. These are the tools that you need to be successful and I’m really excited to be able to share them with you today. So in just a second I’m going to hop over the computer and I’m going to show you exactly what Instyme is all about. But before we do that, I want to just let you know that we have something special just for you near the end of the video. It’s a special opportunity, so I want to make sure that you don’t miss it. You want to make sure you stick around, because this is something that you won’t want to miss.
So thanks again for coming out, thanks for watching this video and then let’s hop over to the computer and let’s check out Instyme. Today, I’m excited to be able to bring you the next generation of web hosting and in this video you’ll, see exactly how our hosting can save you tons of time, can save you tons of money and can make you a ton of money at the very same time. Now, let me tell you a little bit about Instyme and what we’re going to be able to do for you.
In all honesty I have my daughter to thank for Instyme. She wanted a website and me being a successful marketer, I wanted to teach her how she can make her own money online now. What happened next made me realize that things weren’t as simple as they should be. Even though I ran a full time web hosting company and sold many products online myself, getting my daughter set up with a website, advertising software and an autoresponder account was harder than I could have ever imagined with so many confusing choices, crazy, techno babble, bad reviews and terrible monthly rates. I was left running around and round in circles and it brought me back, back to when I first became an internet marketer, and it was actually worse this time around.
That’s when I knew exactly why so many people fail at making any kind of money online. I mean, why does it have to be so difficult with the technology that we have today? In reality, anyone who can operate a computer should be able to generate some online income. It’s not rocket science, it just takes a good start. So right, then I made it my mission to create a service that had everything needed to make money online, to take everything I’ve done personally as a successful, marketer and package it up for anyone to use.
I wanted it to be dead simple and I wanted people to be able to learn and master the tools and techniques, and it had to be available instantly to everybody that wanted to be successful. And today I’m pumped because it’s finally here introducing Instyme. Now Instyme is hosting for people who make money online. It’s three of the most important components in online marketing that most people don’t understand from day one. The first component is awesome web hosting now.
This is web hosting designed for marketers by a marketer. It’s fast, secure, hosting on the largest cloud computing technology on the planet. Your sites will load faster, Google will be happy and your ranking to a boost now. Having the right web host is like having a firm foundation and your sites will be on the best foundation on the planet for every other web host. Their only objective is to host your site, but here at Instyme, our objective is to make sure we do everything for your site to make it successful. That’s why, as soon as you become a customer with Instyme, we automatically build you a site.
We take out all the confusing techno talk and get to work for you, building you a site that you can begin working with and making money with right away. Most other hosts, don’t care what you do once you sign up. They leave you to figure it out on your own, but at Instyme, you have a friend who is working with you, making sure it’s always easy and that you have everything you need. Which brings me to the second component, which is your own self, hosted autoresponder system.
Email marketing is the number one way to make money online, and most people don’t take advantage of this for whatever reason. It’s the most common mistake I see many marketers falling into, but with Instyme you’ll never have to fall into this trap because you’ll be light years ahead of almost every other marketer out there. You will have full control at your fingertips from day one because, along with your site, we’re going to build you an email autoresponder system as soon as you sign up, as well directly attached to your hosting account, but will be your very own self hosted autoresponder.
Now self-hosted means that you control every aspect of your email marketing like importing your leads whenever you wish and having excellent deliverability with the best chance to hit the inbox. You’ll, be sending your mail using our special relationship with Amazon, which means that your mail will be delivered right alongside their email, so you’ll know that they will work hard to make sure your mail never ends up in the spam box.
Now you’ll be able to send two thousand emails per day with no charge whatsoever, and if you need to send more, it’s literally only pennies to do so now, since email marketing will be a part of your Instyme hosting account, everything is integrated to make it easier than ever, for you. Things like one-click, opt-in, forms and super easy list building. Now you’ve always heard the money is in the list. Now the list is in your hands. Now speaking of easy, the third component is something no other host has ever offered it’s a new level of income producing software.
That’s a time saver and a money maker all in one. We call it the Instyme desktop system. Now it all starts with a dashboard with one-click access to your web hosting control panel and your email marketing. Plus, you will have all your sites listed right in front of you, so at the click of a mouse you can immediately begin working with your sites and monetizing them like only the biggest marketers, can.
Let me give you an example. Right here is the desktop of your Instyme desktop system, where you see your easy one-click access to the web hosting control panel and the email marketing system on top.
But right underneath you have simple one-click access to an unlimited amount of WordPress sites where you can easily create new posts, pages or do anything with the admin section once inside you see a site editor that you’ve never seen before
This site editor was created with one goal: to make it easy for you to make money with any WordPress site. From easily putting in content like YouTube videos to embedding beautiful images that will give your content a huge boost, all with just a click of the mouse. You will then have the ability to monetize your site, like only the big marketers can, with direct access to Amazon and Adsense. You can put in ads that will make you money every day with a simple click of the mouse. You can have beautiful, Ad images and contextual links anywhere in your content that you desire.
Your posts will be thousands of times more likely to generate commissions over those plain, vanilla, affiliate ads that everyone else is using and since your Instyme account is integrated with email marketing. The Instyme desktop can build you lists easier than you’ve ever have before. This email Opt-In form was inserted into my post, with just a few clicks already linked to the proper email list. This form is ready to build my customer list right away.
In just minutes. You have a professional monetized posts that cannot only make you great affiliate Commission’s but can build you a profitable customer list at the very same time. Now that’s fast, simple and powerful. We have the essential components you need to make money online right here, ready for you at Instyme now.
I even have some more amazing news for you today. Now we built everything you need to be successful right here and the easy-to-use package, but would you actually believe that you can save a ton of money at the very same time. Getting these services separately cost other marketers hundreds of dollars per month. Now we did the math with Instyme: you can save over seventeen hundred dollars per year by using the marketing software bundle with Instyme. So it’s a win-win. We package it all for you make it crazy simple for you to profit from, and we save you a ton of money at the very same time.
Now, if that wasn’t enough, we actually pay some of our customers to host with us at Instyme. We offer a generous partner program to any of our unlimited business plan, customers where we actually pay you fifty percent commission on anyone you refer to Instyme, not just for the first month for every month that referral is a customer with Instyme.
So just tell two people: how much you love Instyme and your service is absolutely free, tell anymore and we’ll begin paying you to host with us. Now what if you already have hosting with someone else? Actually most of our customers already had hosting when they started with Instyme. They realized their current host couldn’t meet their needs anymore, so they came over to Instyme. Now we made it crazy, simple for them and will do the same thing for you. We’ll move your sites from your old host at no charge.
You won’t even have to lift a finger, we’ll manage the whole process for you and when it’s over, no one will even know that your sites were ever moved. You can have it done all without any downtime for you or your sites, because our goal is to give you the best hosting experience imaginable and give you everything you need to succeed now.
Don’t just take my word for it. Let’s hear what some Instyme customers are already saying: Peggy Lam says what a great product Instyme is like nothing she has ever seen now. She was going to ask us some technical questions about how to get her DNS servers and everything set up, but then she realized that we automatically created the website for her and it was already set up and ready to go.
She said this is a dream. Come true for the digitally impaired thanks again. And one of my other customers says “Nick, you simply have the most revolutionary hosting service on the planet. Awesome work my friend.”
Now another customer, his name is Tim. He had a support question in the support desk and I thought the best way to get back to him was to shoot a video and show him how things looked from the server perspective.
Now he says he was blown away by that video and he’s never had any support in his whole marketing career like this now he says as soon as he brought over his sites. They are loading so much faster and he could not be any happier. He says. “Thank you for making his life as an internet marketer just a little bit easier and that’s what we’re all about here, making sure we do everything we can to help you succeed.
Now on another note: here’s what some are earning with the Instyme partner program. Some customers have seen their first referral in just 24 hours after they signed up with Instyme. All they had to do was simply tell their friends about Instyme and they came right over. Many Instyme customers have over 10 referrals already bringing in over a hundred and fifty dollars per month, just for telling their friends how much they love Instyme and their friends are seeing that we have a great service and great commissions.
Now, back in the beginning, I mentioned that we have a special offer, just for you and you’re, probably thinking that you’re going to have to spend somewhere, like hundreds or even thousands of dollars to get into Instyme to enjoy the life-changing tools that we put together for you, but remember back near the beginning, I said I wanted to make it easy for everyone and that’s why today you won’t have to spend near that amount to get into Instyme today for a very limited time, you’ll be able to try Instyme.
For absolutely no risk you’ll get instant access to the site we build for you, you’ll get instant access in full control of your autoresponder system plus today only you will get free access to the Instyme desktop system for the life of your account. All for just one dollar – that’s right: you’ll, get complete access to the Instyme suite of marketing tools for 14, full days for just one dollar and after your dollar trial will simply bill you for the term that you choose.
You can go monthly or even save even more money and choose one of our package deals: we offer six month, one and two year plans as well.
By choosing a package plan, you can save so much money over other individual services that we can’t even list it here.
Okay, so let’s recap Instyme, created all the tools you need to succeed at marketing, we’re giving you full control. With your very own self hosted autoresponder, we created a sweet, desktop software that will make you money and package them all into one easy-to-use system. Saving you hundreds of dollars each month and thousands of dollars and today we’re going to let you in for just a dollar now plus remember we’re going to go ahead and move all of your files from your current host if you need it. So for just a dollar, you can sit back and relax and get all the tools needed to become a guru of online marketing. I do have to warn you, however, that this offer will not be open very long. Customers are flooding in taking advantage of this offer. So if you see this now, please be sure to click below and grab it as soon as possible.
Okay, so let’s do this right now, click on the button below this video right now to take me up on this crazy one dollar offer there’s absolutely no risk to this. If you don’t think Instyme is a good fit for you, just let us know and we’ll even give you back your dollar. Now remember we’re not doing this one dollar trial forever. So I don’t want you to miss out so go ahead right now, and click on that button below and for just a dollar you’ll see what a difference Instyme will make in your marketing life and believe me, it’s amazing what it all comes together. So go ahead.
Click on that button below right now to take me up on this crazy one dollar offer now.
My name is Nick Jolin, and I thank you for watching this video. It was a pleasure speaking with you today, and I look forward to working with you personally and Instyme, now go ahead, take me up on this offer and click on the button below right now and I’ll talk to you very soon.
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